IT Management

The key aspect of this service usually revolves around what should the strategy be. Generally, once this has been decided, communicated and agreed by all parties (both IT and its customers) then many of the decisions can be made accordingly.

Stakeholder management is a key success criteria for this service as it is assumed that this one of the requirements for a successful consult.

Some of the aspects covered in this service are available in some of the other services. For example, the decision as to whether to insource or outsource software development could be carried out by either this service or the Software Development one. However, generally the difference is the depth and breadth to which the decision is considered that decides which service should be adopted.

Another common request is a comparison of the existing strategy against those adopted by the leading competitors in the sector. The Lead Consultant will inform the client should there be any possible conflict of interest in this regard.

Finally, this service usually functions as CIO/CTO Advisory service but on occasion, it can be used on a part-time or interim basis.